
Showing posts from February, 2024

Is Fast Food the New Tobacco?

  When tobacco goes into your body, you are putting in toxic cancer-causing chemicals such as heavy metals, carbon monoxide, tar, nicotine, etc. It is hard to think that something worse than that could be put into your body, but could fast food cause just as much harm? At first glance, no one would think that fast food could be remotely close to being as harmful as tobacco, but that is the discussion we are looking at. Most fast food is filled with trans fats, seed oils, artificial additives, added sugar, etc. Overconsumption of fast food can lead to health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, etc. The topic of obesity was discussed in the article "What You Eat Is Your Business" by Radley Balko which looked into whether obesity should be more of a public issue or a personal problem. Obesity is a global health issue that has had even more attention drawn towards it over the last few years because of how high the numbers are surging. Most recent data according to ...

Is Pop Culture Good for You?

 Pop Culture has been around forever, but it is something that is constantly changing. Over the years, with more technology and the rise of social media, it is more prevalent now more than ever. We are given news, updates, and the newest trend in a matter of minutes.  From the assignment that we did, we had to choose a word, phrase, and sentence from how we identified the meaning of the article that we read. From what I wrote, what I feel most strongly about is the sentence that I came up with which was "People in today's day in age want to feel like they are a part of something instead of actually being a part of something." That in my opinion, is the worst part about pop culture, social media is accessible to pretty much anyone with a working smartphone, and with that can come with people who are looking to find like-minded individuals that they are able to connect with. But, with that people can find these things but they don't need to leave their couches to do it ...